Mystery Books

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Mystery Authors

Michael Gilbert booklist



Michael Gilbert

(1912 - )

1 Over and Out Michael Gilbert novels 1998
2 Into Battle Michael Gilbert novels 1997
3 Ring of Terror Michael Gilbert novels 1995
4 Roller-Coaster Michael Gilbert novels 1993
5 The Queen Against Karl Mullen Michael Gilbert novels 1991
6 Anything for a Quiet Life (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1990
7 Paint, Gold and Blood Michael Gilbert novels 1989
8 Young Petrella (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1988
9 Trouble Michael Gilbert novels 1987
10 The Long Journey Home Michael Gilbert novels 1985
11 The Black Seraphim Michael Gilbert novels 1983
12 The Final Throw Michael Gilbert novels 1982
13 Mr. Calder and Mr. Behrens (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1982
14 Death of a Favourite Girl Michael Gilbert novels 1980
15 The Empty House Michael Gilbert novels 1978
16 Petrella at Q (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1977
17 The Night of the Twelfth Michael Gilbert novels 1976
18 Flash-Point Michael Gilbert novels 1974
19 Amateur in Violence (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1973
20 The Ninety-Second Tiger Michael Gilbert novels 1973
21 The Body of a Girl Michael Gilbert novels 1972
22 Stay of Execution (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1971
23 The Etruscan Net Michael Gilbert novels 1969
24 Game Without Rules (short stories) Michael Gilbert novels 1968
25 The Dust and the Heat Michael Gilbert novels 1967
26 The Crack in the Teacup Michael Gilbert novels 1966
27 After the Fine Weather Michael Gilbert novels 1963
28 Blood and Judgement Michael Gilbert novels 1959
29 Be Shot for Sixpence Michael Gilbert novels 1956
30 Sky High Michael Gilbert novels 1955
31 Fear to Tread Michael Gilbert novels 1953
32 Death in Captivity Michael Gilbert novels 1952
33 Death Has Deep Roots Michael Gilbert novels 1951
34 Smallbone Deceased Michael Gilbert novels 1950
35 The Doors Open Michael Gilbert novels 1949
36 Close Quarters Michael Gilbert novels 1947
37 They Never Looked Inside Michael Gilbert novels 1947